Leśniczówka Lipowe weather

 Latitude N 54° 00' 40"    Longitude E 23° 10' 48"    Elevation 0 ft

Records began on 21 styczeń 2011. Here are the extremes recorded since then.

Records Since 21 styczeń 2011
Temperature and Humidity
Highest Temperature 31,4 °C at 13:35 on 08 czerwiec 2011
Lowest Temperature -27,7 °C at 07:24 on 04 luty 2012
Highest Dew Point 23,2 °C at 18:07 on 20 lipiec 2011
Lowest Dew Point -35,8 °C at 07:24 on 04 luty 2012
Highest Apparent Temperature 33,5 °C at 14:07 on 21 lipiec 2011
Lowest Apparent Temperature -31,6 °C at 07:24 on 04 luty 2012
Lowest Wind Chill Temperature -27,7 °C at 07:24 on 04 luty 2012
Highest Heat Index 32,4 °C at 14:07 on 21 lipiec 2011
Highest Minimum 17,5 °C on 21 lipiec 2011
Lowest Maximum -18,7 °C on 02 luty 2012
Highest Humidity 99 % at 19:13 on 03 luty 2011
Lowest Humidity 10 % at 18:06 on 03 maj 2012
Highest Rain Rate 317,4 mm/hr at 14:05 on 16 czerwiec 2011
Highest Hourly Rainfall 158,7 mm at 14:05 on 16 czerwiec 2011
Highest Daily Rainfall 181,2 mm on 08 sierpień 2012
Highest Monthly Rainfall 219,6 mm listopad 2012
Highest Wind Gust 60,1 km/h at 14:43 on 08 luty 2011
Highest Wind Speed Average 33,1 km/h at 15:03 on 25 marzec 2012
Lowest Pressure (sl) 968,4 mb at 17:16 on 05 styczeń 2012
Highest Pressure (sl) 1037,7 mb at 09:21 on 30 styczeń 2012

Page updated 2013-03-05 16:25:05
powered by Cumulus v1.9.1 (974)